Joe Rushing

Quality Plumbing

If you’re looking for quality plumbing services in Lubbock, Texas, then you’ve come to the right place. At Joe Rushing Plumbing, we offer more than just the basics. Our company uses special equipment to get a closer look at your pipe’s situation. In addition to this, our plumbers are professionally trained and well equipped in their field. You know that you’ll be getting the best from our services.

Flush Your Plumbing Problems Away


Sometimes, simple DIY pipe repairs won’t fix plumbing issues because they’re too severe. If you think you’re experiencing similar problems at home, trust Joe Rushing Plumbing to handle it for you. We offer various services that can definitely help you, such as fixing leaky, noisy, rusting pipes and more. Learn more about what we do here.
Instead of replacing your rotted pipes, Joe Rushing can reline them with Perma-Liner™ Trenchless Pipelining Systems. Excavation is no longer necessary to replace your pipes, because the Perma-Liner™ installation process simply relines your existing pipes.


Flow-Tech transmits waves through your pipes, neutralizing the magnesium and calcium ions in your hard water. This process allows these minerals to stay in your water and go out with flow – instead of sticking to your pipes and appliances.

Camera Inspection

Plumbing diagnostics is forever changed! With advances in technology, Joe Rushing can now diagnose your plumbing issues with the use of camera. This service will allow us to be even more efficient and accurate in our proposals. Using cameras, we can identify the issue within your home’s plumbing system by using only non-invasive techniques.

Partner with Joe Rushing for Your Plumbing Needs

At Joe Rushing, we’re here to help with all your plumbing needs. Whether you have a leaky pipe, need a water heater installed, or require emergency plumbing services, our team is ready to provide fast, reliable solutions. Don’t wait for a problem to worsen – reach out today!

For more information or to schedule a service, feel free to give us a call or send us an email. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to serving you with professional and dependable plumbing services!

Let Us Know How We Did!

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